Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Marvelous Monday

Monday was absolutely GORGEOUS!! We had a picnic at the beach and the kids played in the sand and water. Micah and I went on a nice long walk while Serena, Micah's sister, watched the kiddos. It is marvelous to be able to have some time together. Micah has been flying nights so we are doing day dates or day outings.

Ella had to put her arm up to shield her eyes just like Harmon. she is so funny!

This is Serena's chair and Ella is IN LOVE!! She thinks it is her special chair and no one else can touch it.


  1. More great pics! I am loving it. It's making my antsy for our trip. Yay!!!

  2. Great photos! Great trip!! Great family time together. Love you1!!
