Friday, October 16, 2009

Conversations with the Boys

I have been meaning to post these funny comments from the boys.

One day during breakfast Porter was sitting quietly when out of nowhere he said, "Actually Plankton is a pickle."


Harmon whispering to Porter when they were looking for a treat:

I know where she hides them.


My OB is a very good doctor. He is also a large man. Two weeks ago Micah came with me for the first time. As the Dr and his nurse entered the room Porter said to Micah:
"See Dad...he's fatter than you!"

And yesterday while we were waiting again, Harmon was with us (everyone has sick kids around here and I would rather take kids with me to the Dr than get sick) for the first time. Again, Porter was filling Harmon in on the Dr.

"Harmon, this Dr is just really fat. He has really big legs and a really big belly."

Fortunately the Dr had not come into the room yet and we had a little visit about not commenting on people's size.


A little explanation to my favorite boy conversation so far. Micah is being deployed to Afghanistan for a year next spring. Prior to the actual deployment he has a lot of pre-deployment training and will gone A LOT! Fortunately he will be home for the birth of the baby. There was some question of that for awhile. Anyway we are trying to prepare for this baby, Micah being gone and packing up our house for yet another move. I will be moving close to my parents while he is gone. We have been talking about where we should go while Micah is away. This is how our conversation at the dinner table went:

Me: Where should we live while Daddy is in Afghanistan?
Porter: We should just go live where ever he is going to be.
Me: I explained that it wouldn't be safe for families to go there because they had real bad guys that would be there.
Harmon: Real bad guys like Pirates?

A little laugh from me and then "Yes, kind of like Pirates."

Harmon digested this for about 2 seconds, looked at Micah and then said,

" better take your machete."


  1. So funny! Kids are just so innocent in their thinking, aren't they? I can remember taking my neice to the store with me when we came across a very large woman. She practically shouted "Look! That lady has two butts!" I was mortified.

    We are so excited to have you close to us for a little while. We can't wait to see you and the new baby. :)

  2. Your boys are so funny, I love the one about your ob. that is the wonderful thing about kids they tell it how it is. completely honest holding nothing back.

  3. Oh what a crack-up!! You made my day. So glad you are writing these things down.
