Thursday, July 9, 2009

Holy PettiSkirt!!

This is Annelise, my good friend Amelia's daughter. Amelia asked me if she thought I could make one of these pettiskirts. I had looked at them in a couple of catalogs and thought they were pretty cute. So hard could it be, right??? Holy cow. It took me a few months of some serious thinking (who needs a pattern, right?), a few new gadgets for my machine and lots of patience. My serger broke in the middle of it. My sewing machine gave me fits as well. It actually went together quite well after I had done all that serious thinking and finally figured out what I should be doing. The first set of instructions I read were crap. The second set were much better.
What a lot of work for such a pretty skirt. But these pictures make it ALL worth it.

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  1. That is so cute! I have seen those is the stores and after your post they must be worth all the money they cost. You are a great seamstress like your mom!

  2. That is amazing!! How beautiful!
