Sunday, March 29, 2009

Moving On Up!

We recently moved to a newer and MUCH bigger house on base. Base housing can be a real benefit to live in. Especially here, where it is so far into town and the weather can be so questionable. And let's face it....I wasn't real interested in buying a home in North Dakota. Not really my choice of retirement locations. The base is in the process of tearing down all the old housing and building new houses. Houses that are more current and comparable to options available downtown. Here is our old house. seriously lacked some curb appeal. But it was charming on the inside...charming and tiny with no dishwasher and the bathrooms were only upstairs. The master bathroom in the new house is bigger than the old house's two bathrooms put together! They build a lot of duplex's up here, both on the base and in town. I am sure it has something to do with the freezing cold weather up here. We were fortunate enough to get the best neighbors on base! The people we shared the unit with are great friends now. We hope they get to move right next to us in the new house.

Here it much nicer and bigger!!

In the distance is a HUGE playground with a large field that extends behind our house. And I wanted to take a picture of our giant snow drift.
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  1. Wow what an improvement! Your house looks amazing:)
    I'm home from church today with a sick child, the wind is blowing about 30 miles per hour, it's freezing and a new snow storm is coming. I was feeling down until I saw your snow and snow drifts. I think I'll take Utah cold and snow over S.D. at least it was almost 60 yesterday. We just get teased that spring is coming everyweek, and then it's back to the snow and cold.

  2. Love the new house...I am so excited you got into it..I remember looking at them right before you moved! We miss you...
