Monday, July 4, 2011

Feeling Fierce

Sam took a nose dive off the swing last week. His tooth was impacted and had to be removed and he had about 5 stitches in his lip. I have some other pictures and I might post more about it later. We had a crazy trip to the ER the night before we left town. Very glad that he has recovered so quickly. As of this morning he has only one stitch left to dissolve.
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  1. wow...ER the night before you drive across the are super woman! I heard about how crazy it was. I'm sooo glad everything is ok. Sam looks soooo cute in that picture! Just like a Boy should look!

  2. OUCH!!! Wow that doesn't look like fun! Poor guy! Hope your trip went OK! Take Care!

  3. I heard there was a story behind this!! So glad Sam is OK!!
