Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!

HAPPY EASTER!!  We tried to capture a few pictures before church because we were all looking oh so dapper and I knew that we wouldn't look nearly as lovely after church.  I was right.  Sam slobbered all over his clothes and Ella threw a fit during church and pulled out her hair ribbons.  Oh well, we tried!  As you can see we having a fantastic addition to our photos...MICAH!  He has been home for 2 weeks now.  We are enjoying every minute!!  I will post his homecoming photos later. 

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  1. Your family is adorable!!! What cute outfits! It was great to see you all at Grandma's Easter Egg Hunt! Love ya!

  2. LOVE all the blues. Very Very nice family photo! You are right, these family photos at Easter HAVE to be taken before church. Same thing happens at our place.

  3. Such a cute family!!!!! So glad to see your smiling faces. I can tell you are so glad to ahve your hubby and Daddy back!!

  4. Adorable!!! Sure miss you guys.

  5. Loved seeing you guys again. Your children are so beautiful!! I LOVE the family photo and the picture at the beginning of your blog with your kids on the!! It's totally amazing.
    Anyway, hope you make it to your new base safe and sound. It will be nice to keep up with you on your blog!;) Thanks again for a great night.
