Thursday, April 29, 2010


Totally exhausted these days. We are living next to the folks, sort of. Long story, but we are renovating a house and are working to make the upstairs hapitable. The bathroom was gutted so as soon as it is operational we will be moving in. For now we are staying in a friends basement apartment. Totally grateful for a place to go and sleep every night.

Every day my AMAZING mother watches my kids while I go work on the house. Super amazing because she has my sisters 5 kids too. She watches them, feeds them, gives them naps, feeds us dinner and makes it possible for me to save some money by doing the labor myself. Along with my dad and brothers that is. And with the help of their wives. Bobbi is my design consultant.

AND GRANDMA S!!! She has come over to help wash walls, cupboards, floors, counters, mud drywall and sand. And twice she has brought lunch to all of us. I hope one day that when I am her age I will be as young as she is. She works harder than I do!! AMAZING!!

Sooooo...that is my reason for not posting. Gonna get to it soon.

Got a good post brewing in my head. Too tired tonight to post it. But I will sooon! If any one is itching to volunteer free labor I might know a place... :)


  1. oh man. sounds like you are busy busy busy. I love that kind of stuff. and if I lived closer, I would get a sitter for a day, just to enjoy renovation with you. and oh yes..your mother is AMAZING! and gma s. seriously I wanna be like her when I get old!

  2. I totally agree that YOU, your MOM and GRANDMA S are ALL amazing!!!

  3. Glad to hear that you are doing well. Will you be living in Idaho for a year. What are your plans--fill us in!!
